Installing GWDataFind


The recommended method of installing GWDataFind is with Conda (or Mamba):

Installing gwdatafind with conda
conda install -c conda-forge gwdatafind


Installing gwdatafind with Apt
apt-get install gwdatafind

See the IGWN Computing Guide software repositories entry for Debian for instructions on how to configure the required IGWN Debian repositories.

To install the Python 3 library only (and not any command-line entry points):

Installing python3-gwdatafind with Apt
apt-get install python3-gwdatafind


Installing gwdatafind with Pip
python -m pip install gwdatafind

RedHat / CentOS / Scientific / Rocky Linux

Installing gwdatafind with DNF
dnf install gwdatafind

See the IGWN Computing Guide software repositories entries for Scientific Linux 7 or Rocky Linux 8 for instructions on how to configure the required IGWN Yum repositories.

To install the Python 3 library only (and not any command-line entry points):

Installing python3-gwdatafind with DNF
dnf install python3-gwdatafind